
This is our Google Cloud Platform Python Flask Application

Google Cloud Platform Development

Application Type

Enterprise/Small Business Solutions , Education, Not for Profit


  • All submissions must have an appspot.com domain with a url in the following format: gcdc2013-.appspot.com.
  • Effective Use of Google App Engine (Compulsory)
    • All submissions must have an appspot.com domain
  • Originality of Concept
  • Relevance to Region (SSA, LATAM, India, SEA, MENA)
  • Polish and Appeal
  • Usability on multiple screen sizes
  • Accessibility
  • Indispensability: Is the application compelling and/or essential?
  • Amount of user interactions on their app (comments, +1s, FB Likes etc)
  • Google+ Sign-In / Integration (Not compulsory:Bonus Points)
  • Creative use of Youtube and Google Maps APIs (Not compulsory:Bonus Points)
  • Use of other Google platforms/APIs (Not compulsory:Bonus Points)

Competition Timelines

  • September 4th: Competition begins
  • October 22nd: Submissions window opens
  • November 21st: First round submissions due
  • December 5th: Semi-Finalists announced
  • January 5th: Updated Semi-Final Apps re-submitted
  • January 28th: Winners announced

Judging & Awards

First Round:

By November 21st, all apps entering the competition must be submitted for judging. At most 10 apps from each of the 2 categories in all 6 regions (at most 20 apps total per region) will move to the semi-finals. Applications will be evaluated and ranked by a team of Google-selected internal and external judges. On December 5th, the apps moving to the semi-finals in each region will be announced.


Those developers whose applications are selected for the semi-finals will have about one month to improve their applications (add features, improve stability, performance, etc). By January 5th, developers in the semi-finals will submit the final versions of their apps for judging via this website.

At the end of the judging period, all applications in each region and category will be evaluated and ranked by a team of Google-selected judges and announced on January 28th.


Prizes will be distributed as follows; all prizes are in USD:

  • Round One: All teams that make it to the semi-finals in each category in each region will be awarded Android devices.
  • Round One: In order to encourage participation from women and highlight innovations from women in the developing markets, we are adding an additional prize. If a Semi-Finalist happens to be an individual or a team consisting solely of women, that team will be awarded an additional prize of $2000 USD.
  • Round One: Any university team made up entirely of student or staff of a university (identified by the university domain email address) that makes it to the semi-finals will get $1,000.
  • Semi-Finals: 1st prize in each category in each region will receive $20,000. This means that there will be a total of 12 grand prize winners
  • Semi-Finals: If any team from a university wins the competition in any of the categories, the department to which the members of the team belong will win $18,000.
  • At most 6 mentors (one from each region) will win an all expense paid trip to a major developer conference anywhere in the world to the tune of $5,000.


Information about the winning developers and Apps will be posted to this website on or around the following dates:

  • Semi-Final Round: December 5th
  • Winners: January 28th