
Restore JP/KR Glyph list

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To Be Restored/Restored v1 JP/KR list 待恢復/已恢復的JP/KR字圖列表

Instruction 說明

If you have any requests about restoring deleted Source Han Serif v1 JP/KR and others that perfectly match the printing script glyph form glyphs to ChiuKong Mincho, please submit them here.
如閣下有任何希望恢復思源明體v2中被刪除的v1 JP/KR字圖,或其他符合印刷體筆形字圖的要求,請在此提交。

Table Description 表格說明

Table 表格

Character Codepoint GlyphName v1 CID New CID Priority Status Version Related Issue
U+4E90 uni4E90-KR 9698 / Medium Not Start / adobe-fonts/source-han-serif#174
U+4F62 uni4F62-JP 10011 / Critical Not Start 1.000 adobe-fonts/source-han-serif#174
U+56A0 uni56A0-JP 13079 / Medium Not Start / adobe-fonts/source-han-serif#174
U+5CB8 uni5CB8-JP 16249 16019 Urgent Completed 1.000 adobe-fonts/source-han-serif#169
U+6A0C uni6A0C-JP 22450 / Medium Not Start / adobe-fonts/source-han-serif#174
U+9109 uni9109-JP 41793 40822 Urgent Completed 1.000 ChiuMing-Neko/ChiuKongGothic#4