
Own search function as an alternative to fuse.js

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Es wäre cool, eigene Suchfunktion zu verwenden anstatt fuse.js zu nutzen. Ein großes Problem ist z.B. folgendes

const list = [{ product: "Nike Trail Running Shoes" }]

const options = {
includeScore: true,
ignoreLocation: true,
keys: ["product"],

const fuse = new Fuse(list, options);
If pattern = "Nike" score will be 0.03

But if pattern = "Nike shoes" score will be 0.655

I want "Nike shoes" to get a better score than "Nike", since it contains both Nike and shoes

Xon commented

Tuning Fuse (ie fuse options) is outside the scope of this project, more something to take up with Fuse.js directly.

The search backend can be completely replaced by setting instance._searcher in the callbackOnInit method. You probably can just monkey patch the method if you are just enhancing how fuse is used.

The fuse search implementation is found in this file: