SID Factory II is a cross-platform editor for composing music that will work on a Commodore 64. It uses the reSID emulator and is currently in open BETA.
- leroy-walton
- cybern0idScotland
- epostAmsterdam
- soegaardDenmark
- xahmolUtrecht
- mlundLund, Sweden
- charcreontokyo
- 5k3105
- Stakker
- zbyti
- aydindemircioglu
- mjgardnerHouston, Texas, United States
- ranguli*.ca
- ReneKriestGermany
- tstamborskiPoland
- tiretrak
- 9Skrip
- clach04
- amenasseMelbourne Australia
- deathybrs
- questorgermany
- auroraMunich, Germany
- SirB
- siborg
- stahlnowZurich
- zephryn
- bockeSerbia
- OmskInfoBerlin, Deutschland
- anttivsFinland
- hernandpLa Plata, Argentina
- tatqoo
- weusego
- madgardenCanada
- polluksGermany
- everslickAustria
- ajunlonglive