
Right align extra stats

prantlf opened this issue · 0 comments

CPU, fan and battery stats are nicely aligned. Would it be possible to align values and graphs of the extra stats, so that they are not so difficult to read? Thank you!

--- CPU Stats ---
CPU temp:               51.44°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇

--- Fan Stats ---
Total fans in system:   2
Fan 0 speed:            2173 RPM    ▁▂▃▅▆▇
Fan 1 speed:            1994 RPM    ▁▂▃▅▆▇

--- Battery Stats ---
Battery health:         Good
Cycle count:            175         ▁▂▃▅▆▇  17.5%
Max cycles:             1000
Current charge:         6386 mAh    ▁▂▃▅▆▇  100%
Maximum charge:         6547 mAh    ▁▂▃▅▆▇  89.2%
Design capacity:        7336 mAh
Battery temp:           30.69°C

--- Extra Stats ---
Th1H NB/CPU/GPU HeatPipe 1 Proximity temp: 45.38°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇
Ts0P Palm rest L temp:  27.75°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇
Ts0S Memory Bank Proximity temp: 31.97°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇
TCGC PECI GPU temp:     56.0°C      ▁▂▃▅▆▇
TC0P CPU 0 Proximity temp: 51.44°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇
TG0P GPU 0 Proximity temp: 48.56°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇
TM0P Memory Slot Proximity temp: 43.44°C     ▁▂▃▅▆▇
TPCD Platform Controller Hub Die temp: 48.0°C      ▁▂▃▅▆▇
TW0P AirPort Proximity temp: 40.0°C      ▁▂▃▅▆▇