
I just wrote a little console application that pre-loads the Rust assets/bundles directly to your Memory in a faster way than Rust itself does. Rust Bundles Pre-Loader does the same thing as RAMDisk but, only loads the assets which are the biggest assets.

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


I just wrote a little console application that pre-loads the Rust assets/bundles directly to your Memory in a faster way than Rust itself does. Rust Bundles Pre-Loader does almost the same thing as RAMDisk but, only loads the assets which are the biggest files. And doesn't make virtual Ram drives. It basically puts the files in your Memory for Rust to pick it up. The same thing happens when you start Rust and close it. The Assets will still be in your Memory so you can load Rust faster at later time (without rebooting ofcourse).

You need to set the path for the :
assets.bundle, content.bundle, monuments.bundle, textures.bundle and maps.bundle
inside the config.txt file.
The Bundles are located here: steamapps\common\Rust\Bundles
Just run it when you have set the config.txt file and wait untill it closes.

My Specs:
GPU: GeForce RTX 2080 8GB
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 4.80GHz
Memory: 16.00 GB DDR4

Loading speed benchmark:
Normal: MainMenu : 2:29 | Join Server : 1:15
Preloaded Bundles: MainMenu : 0:11 | Join Server : 0:49
Preloader Application: 0:59