
[Question] Should comparability problems cause failures?

Unthrottled opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I would have expected if there where compatibility issues with a plugin against a specific IDE version that the action would exit unsuccessfully, is that not the intended behavior? Is this an issue with the verifier itself?

Action run in question

Compatibility problems (2): 
    #Access to unresolved class com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI.CurrentTheme.Link.Foreground
        Method io.unthrottled.doki.settings.ThemeSettingsUI.createUIComponents() : void references an unresolved class com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI.CurrentTheme.Link.Foreground. This can lead to **NoSuchClassError** exception at runtime.
    #Invocation of unresolved method java.util.Optional.isEmpty() : boolean
        Method io.unthrottled.doki.stickers.EditorBackgroundWallpaperService.installEditorBackgroundImage$2.invoke() : void contains an *invokevirtual* instruction referencing an unresolved method java.util.Optional.isEmpty() : boolean. This can lead to **NoSuchMethodError** exception at runtime.

Hi @Unthrottled ! Can you try upgrading the GitHub action to the latest version (1.0.5) and re-run the workflow? It looks like you are using an older version of the action (1.0.3) and the recent versions have added logic to detect other failures (and, should allow for some configuration of the failures as well).

Upgrading it did the trick! Thanks for the quick response and the handy action!
I've added a dependabot dependency upgrade config for actions so I get the latest in the future.

Awesome, then you for confirming! And you're welcome! Glad you are using it and enjoying it!

I was going to suggest the dependabot integration, actually! :)

Have a great day!


I've put up a pull request to add @Unthrottled! ๐ŸŽ‰