netatmo-api-client npm version Downloads

This is a simple client for the Netatmo Weather API.

Getting started

  1. create an account on
  2. create an app (information can be arbitrary)
    1. use the client ID and client secret of the created app
  3. request a token by using the token generator
    1. select scope read_station
    2. click Generate Token
    3. use the generated access and refresh tokens

Generate Token

Example usage

const netatmoClient = new NetatmoApiClient('<CLIENT_ID>', '<CLIENT_SECRET>');

// set tokens acquire from the token generator
netatmoClient.setTokens('<ACCESS_TOKEN>', '<REFRESH_TOKEN>');

// use the client
const stationData = await netatmoClient.getStationData();
const { modules, ...mainStationData } = stationData.devices[0];
console.log('User: ', stationData.user);

for (const station of stationData.devices) {
  console.log(`${station.stationName} [${}] has ${station.modules.length} modules`);

  for (const module of [station, ...station.modules]) {
    console.log(`${module.moduleName} [${}] has these capabilities: ${module.capabilities}`);

    const measureCount = 2;
    const measures = await netatmoClient.getMeasure(, module, undefined, undefined, '5min', measureCount);

    console.log(`Latest ${measureCount} measures:`);

  console.log('='.repeat(80) + '\n');

The above example should print something like this:

  id: "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
  type: "MAIN_MODULE",
  moduleName: "A",
  stationName: "B (A)",
  firmware: 204,
  reachable: true,
  lastSetup: 2014-12-24T15:14:51.000Z,
  dateSetup: 2014-12-24T15:14:51.000Z,
  lastStatusUpdate: 2024-11-05T00:05:15.000Z,
  lastUpgrade: 2015-08-20T19:06:50.000Z,
  wifiStatus: 25,
  co2Calibrating: false,
  place: {
    altitude: 250,
    city: "Example Town",
    country: "DE",
    timezone: "Europe/Berlin",
    longitude: 42.0000000,
    latitude: 42.0000000,
  capabilities: [ "TEMPERATURE", "CO2", "HUMIDITY", "NOISE", "PRESSURE" ],
  measureTime: 2024-11-05T00:04:28.000Z,
  readOnly: undefined,
  temperature: {
    current: 23.1,
    min: 22.8,
    max: 23.4,
    dateMin: 2024-11-04T23:03:57.000Z,
    dateMax: 2024-11-04T23:39:16.000Z,
    trend: "STABLE",
  co2: 769,
  humidity: 58,
  noise: 37,
  pressure: {
    current: 1019.4,
    absolute: 982.5,
    trend: "STABLE",
User:  {
  mail: "",
  administrative: {
    country: "DE",
    locale: "de",
    regionalLocale: "de-DE",
    pressureUnit: "MBAR",
    systemOfMeasurement: "METRIC",
    windUnit: "KPH",
    feelLikeTemperatureAlgorithm: "HUMIDEX",
Station Name [aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff] has 6 modules
Module Name [aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff] has these capabilities: TEMPERATURE,CO2,HUMIDITY,NOISE,PRESSURE
Latest 2 measures:
  "1419433800": {
    temperature: 21.9,
    co2: null,
    humidity: 65,
    noise: null,
    pressure: 973,
  "1419434400": {
    temperature: 22,
    co2: 0,
    humidity: 63,
    noise: 38,
    pressure: 972.9,
Module Name [aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff] has these capabilities: BATTERY,CO2,HUMIDITY,TEMPERATURE
Latest 2 measures:
  "1448400600": {
    co2: null,
    humidity: 47,
    temperature: 25.5,
  "1448400900": {
    co2: 1344,
    humidity: 48,
    temperature: 25,
Module Name [aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff] has these capabilities: BATTERY,RAIN
Latest 2 measures:
  "1448402700": {
    rain: 0.273,
    sum_rain: 0.545308740978348,
  "1448403000": {
    rain: 1.091,
    sum_rain: 1.090617481956696,
Module Name [aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff] has these capabilities: BATTERY,WIND
Latest 2 measures:
  "1605442800": {
    windstrength: 1,
    windangle: 147,
    guststrength: 2,
    gustangle: 90,
  "1605443400": {
    windstrength: 2,
    windangle: 173,
    guststrength: 5,
    gustangle: 169,
Module Name [aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff] has these capabilities: BATTERY,HUMIDITY,TEMPERATURE
Latest 2 measures:
  "1668168000": {
    humidity: 95,
    temperature: 23.5,
  "1668168300": {
    humidity: 86,
    temperature: 23.9,