
Example doesn't live reload

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Currently the example doesn't seem to react to any file changes in the site, it perpetually serves the results of the first build.

Any ideas on that @sigrlami ? Note that I had to switch the slick-live dependency from your private gitlab to for it to even build; so perhaps that's out of date?

Let me know if you have any problems reproducing, it'd be nice to have the example work cleanly :)

I'm running:

stack build && stack exec example-site-exe -- -P

in the example-site directory, then change some contents of the site directory and don't see any updates on localhost:3030 even after refreshing.

Indeed. We moved it into company repo after I showed it's possible. I'll ask to make repository public and prepare PR to fix this. I believe there are couple additions.

@ChrisPenner initial repo is public now and you need to add js into template

<script type="text/javascript" async="true" src="/js/livereload.js"></script>

in example-site templates. Best place would be either meta-data.html or make shared header template to use between pages.

Would you like me to prepare PR where everything in place for example site?

Great thanks!

If you don't mind the extra work then go for it! It'd be great to have the example demo how it works :)

Yes, no problem. I'll prepare update.