
Simple dotfiles for linux / cygwin usage

Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Use at your own risk The bundle is not complete

Minimalistic dotfiles for linux environment. Easy to use, trying to avoid overkill plugins I'll never find the usage more than one time in a year.

How to use this and not to use this

I recommend you not to use this repository, but to build your own fork with your settings. This repository is not maintained for stability but only to fulfill my needs at a specific moment.

If you just plan to git clone and say yolo as many of my friends did over these last years, please make sure to run setup.sh or replace manually my name in .gitconfig file...


This bundle contains:

  • Git dotfile model (you should customize it with setup script or edit the file)
  • Vim configuration with vundle, neocomplete and syntastic (disabled by default)
  • ZSH configuration files with oh-my-zsh autoinstall
  • Custom aliases
  • Solarized dircolors submodule (git submodule init / git submodule update)
  • i3 configuration files and other X and Archlinux related configuration files
  • Cygwin configuration files with solarized colorscheme
  • Other experimental stuff I use on my computers and servers

Non-solarized terminal are supported with some minor changes in colorschemes. Non-powerline fonts are supported, but by default powerline chars are used in vim and zsh. You can ajust this according to your needs.

This bundle uses:

This bundle can include:


.minimics is very easy to install. You just need to have git installed on you system. There is an autoinstall script in your .minimics folder. To install, just perform :

git clone https://github.com/uZer/.minimics.git ~/.minimics

A backup of your old configuration files is automatically made in your minimics folder.

If you plan to use minimics for your desktop/i3 environment, you will have extra packages to compile/install.

Usage and configuration


There are plenty of usefull keyboard mappings in the vimrc configuration file.

My vim configuration will remove end-of-line trailing whitespaces each time you save a document. If you want to disable this feature, edit your .vimrc and comment the line containing:

autocmd BufWrite * :call DeleteTrailingWS()

Leader command is <space> by default. To update vundle plugins, you can just run :PluginUpdate

Useful shorcuts and various caveats:

The <leader> key is super key on your keyboard (also known as windows key). To paste a block of text, use paste mode: <leader>pp To enable syntax check, please type <leader>sc out of edit mode. Tab management: <leader>tn (tab new) and <leader>tc (tab close) Window management: <leader>wn (win new) and <leader>wc (win close) Move from tab to tab / window to window with <leader>j or k, h, l. Yes, this means if your using vim in a Windows environment (Cygwin...) you may lock yourself out trying to move to the window on the left.


I don't.


Using oh-my-zsh bundle and custom aliases.

Also using powerline zsh configuration file, if you don't have any powerline installed please comment the appropriated line in your .zshrc

Git config

See the .gitconfig file in your home directory for usefull git shocuts. Please make sure you changed the name of your user in your gitrc file


If you use solarized terminal configurations, you can enable solarized colors in the setup script (comment or uncomment the variables). At any time if your unhappy with some color configuration, you can edit the configuration.


If for any reason you want to uninstall .minimics partially or completely, you just have to unlink the unwanted configuration files in your home directory.

unlink ~/.bashrc