
No rubber case fit?

jtmkrueger opened this issue · 5 comments

Would you recommend changes to the pcbs if one wanted to use this without the rubber case on the flipper?

In my experience, way more people use a case on the Flipper than people running bare. As I didn't want to have multiple variants for all PCBs I opted to make all PCBs fit the Flippers case.

This is also influenced by the fact, that regular pin headers will naturally stand a bit proud of the top of the flipper.

This is what the boards look like if used on a Flipper without a case:


It would be possible to modify the backpack connector PCB to be 2mm shorter so the boards would snugly fit the back of the Flipper itself, rather than the rubber sleeve, but that would also mean updating all the 3D printable cases for both versions.

All in all, we are talking about 2mm here, it's not the end of the world to rock the Flipper sleeveless with these boards.

modify the backpack connector PCB

Maybe it'd just be easier to just modify the case to print a bit different? What do you think?

Then I can order the PCB's from you and just do a different case print 😸

That is a nice idea, yeah. Giving the case 2mm longer walls towards the Flipper's back would make the stack more stable even if used without a case.
Can't say that it would look particularly great but it should be a good option for people not using the sleeve.. Let me see when I get the time to add case options for that. (Unless you want to take care of that yourself?)

I can certainly try! I’ll let you know when my kit shows up (ordered one today)