
magenta line drawn from aircraft to first waypoint

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After loading the flight plan, a magenta line is always drawn from the aricraft to the first waypoint as shown in the attached photo. Shouldn't it behave just like a normal garmin GPS? HOw do we get rid of the magenta line attached to the aircraft?


Hi Richard.

My suggestion would be to simply remove that very first waypoint (which you have already passed, if I understand the situation shown in the image correctly?).

In my opinion, the system behaves as it is supposed to: The "first" waypoint is always the "next" waypoint and a magenta line is drawn from your current position to that ofrst waypoint (or, if you hide the aircraft symbol from your last "known" position).

Does this do the trick? Or what is the exact behaviour that you would expect?


I have changed the behaviour in case the airplane is NOT visible: In that scenario the first line from the ltest known aircraft position to the first waypoint will be hidden... Otherwise a magenta line will be drawn from your current position to the first waypoint (as was before).

Will be released with v1.4