
A lightweight and extensible SQLite wrapper written in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

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Simple Example

The example below creates an in-memory database, opens it, creates a table, inserts a row and then queries the table. Please note that the result is closed automatically after a complete iteration by using for-in.

let db = Database(URL:":memory:")
db.update("CREATE TABLE Person (firstName, lastName)")

let args = ["firstName" : "Christian", "lastName" : "Kienle"]
db.update("INSERT INTO Person (firstName, lastName) VALUES (:firstName, :lastName)", arguments:args)

let result = db.query(query: "SELECT firstName, lastName FROM Person")
for row in result {
    let firstName = row["firstName"].string
    let lastName = row["lastName"].string
    println("firstName: \(firstName)")
    println("lastName: \(lastName)")
// The result is automatically closed after a complete iteration.

Extend Bold: Custom Types

I wanted Bold to be easily extensible. There are basically two things that can be extended:

  1. Support for custom data types in the input arguments.
  2. Support for custom data types when accessing a row.

Extend Types for Input Arguments

You can support custom data types for input arguments simply by implementing Bindable. Lets assume you have a custom class called UUID which represents a UUID and you would like to pass UUIDs to Bold when inserting a new row. You could implement Bindable by doing something like this:

extension UUID : Bindable {
  public func bind(to statement:Statement, atIndex index:Int32) -> Bool {
    let value = stringRepresentation // assume this exists
    // call the existing implementation of `bind(to:atIndex:)`
    return value.bind(to: statement, atIndex:atIndex)

This is all you have to do. Now you could use UUID like this in combination with Bold:

let uuid = UUID()

db.update("INSERT INTO Person (id) VALUES (:id)", arguments:["id" : uuid])

Extend Types for Output Arguments

When you access the contents of a row you access the data by using methods like stringValue(columnName:), intValue(columnName:) and so on. If you would like to add support for your own data type (for example a method that uses the binary data in a column to create a UIImage) you simply extend Row. Let's see how this works with our custom UUID class from above.

extension Row {
    public func UUIDValue(columnName: String) -> UUID? {
        guard let stringValue = stringValue(forColumn: columnName) else {
            return nil
        return UUID(stringValue)

Now you can use UUIDValue(columnName:) when accessing the data of your rows.

Why yet another SQLite wrapper?

I wanted to dive into Swift and writing a SQLite wrapper seemed like a good thing to do. So Bold is basically a just for fun project.


Bold is lightweight. This means that Bold does not try to be smart. For example it does not implement SQLITE_BUSY-handling like some other SQLite wrappers do. I believe that any implementation of SQLITE_BUSY-handling hides an underlying locking problem that you might have. Other wrappers simply wait for a couple of seconds until they time out. Please note that libsqlite3 already has ways to avoid SQLITE_BUSY related errors.

Bold also exposes the raw sqlite3 database handle and the raw sqlite3_stmt handle. You should try to avoid accessing those but if you need to access them they are there.