Core Data Editor lets you easily view, edit and analyze applications‘ data. Core Data Editor is compatible with Mac and iOS applications and supports XML, SQLite and binary stores, visualizes all relationships and is able to edit the data and generate Objective-C code for the data model.
- alexcarrizoUnited States
- atargisSelf-employed
- byanthonynet
- chenjianAgain
- CrazyNexus
- dyegosBrasil
- eytanbialaNew York, NY
- febinbabuc
- ghfghfg23
- GitteMTallinn, Estonia
- gsgodNone
- HoMeCracKeR
- ihuangqi
- jeffctownRaya
- jiang-yi-siphtySiphty
- leebirth
- lin10000liShanghai
- liuninaBeiJing
- macosunityNanjing
- MonadicNomad
- nikhilchandranTILTLABS
- r17171709Big Balloon
- rabihf
- RTimalReadfeed
- rurara
- Saulenco
- shiablueM35
- SoufienParis
- tbumgarnerCodeFlight LLC
- triflingnome
- u800398
- Venko132
- waelsaadNetTrinity
- wyxy2005
- youneil
- ZanderDev中国