
port 5514 not listening

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hello @ChristianKniep -

Ran into an issue I'm having trouble unwinding:

I'm unable to send anything over 5514 to a new docker host I have built out- and when I spawn the elk container, it does not look like anything is starting up a port to listen on 5514:

[root@fa503a62eeac nginx]#
Error: Another program is already listening on a port that one of our HTTP servers is configured to use.  Shut this program down first before starting supervisord.
For help, use /usr/bin/supervisord -h
# supervisorctl status
consul                           RUNNING   pid 13, uptime 0:02:03
diamond                          RUNNING   pid 12, uptime 0:02:03
elasticsearch                    RUNNING   pid 8, uptime 0:02:03
logstash                         RUNNING   pid 1838, uptime 0:00:03
logstash_watchdog                RUNNING   pid 9, uptime 0:02:03
nginx                            RUNNING   pid 16, uptime 0:02:03
sshd                             RUNNING   pid 11, uptime 0:02:03
statsd                           RUNNING   pid 10, uptime 0:02:03
syslog-ng                        RUNNING   pid 14, uptime 0:02:03
[root@fa503a62eeac nginx]# lsof -i -n | egrep 'COMMAND|LISTEN'
java        8  root  234u  IPv6 393279      0t0  TCP *:vrace (LISTEN)
java        8  root  363u  IPv6 395313      0t0  TCP *:wap-wsp (LISTEN)
sshd       11  root    3u  IPv4 367506      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd       11  root    4u  IPv6 367508      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
statsd     20  root   10u  IPv4 393259      0t0  TCP *:8126 (LISTEN)
nginx      25  root    8u  IPv4 388535      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
nginx      25  root    9u  IPv4 388536      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
syslog-ng  42  root    9u  IPv4 388531      0t0  TCP *:shell (LISTEN)
consul    132  root    3u  IPv6 367517      0t0  TCP *:tmi (LISTEN)
consul    132  root   12u  IPv6 367521      0t0  TCP *:amberon (LISTEN)
consul    132  root   15u  IPv6 367523      0t0  TCP *:8302 (LISTEN)
consul    132  root   17u  IPv6 367525      0t0  TCP *:cvd (LISTEN)
consul    132  root   18u  IPv6 367526      0t0  TCP *:fmtp (LISTEN)
consul    132  root   24u  IPv6 388540      0t0  TCP *:domain (LISTEN)
nginx     140 nginx    8u  IPv4 388535      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
nginx     140 nginx    9u  IPv4 388536      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)

On another host that is working:

[root@243c7789ba73 opt]# lsof -i -n | egrep 'COMMAND|LISTEN'
java       9  root  227u  IPv6  24062      0t0  TCP *:vrace (LISTEN)
java       9  root  358u  IPv6  24106      0t0  TCP *:wap-wsp (LISTEN)
python    13  root    6u  IPv4  14848      0t0  TCP *:hsl-storm (LISTEN)
python    13  root    7u  IPv4  14849      0t0  TCP *:newheights (LISTEN)
python    13  root    8u  IPv4  14850      0t0  TCP *:talon-engine (LISTEN)
python    14  root    6u  IPv4  12679      0t0  TCP *:zephyr-clt (LISTEN)
python    14  root    7u  IPv4  12680      0t0  TCP *:zephyr-hm (LISTEN)
python    14  root    8u  IPv4  12681      0t0  TCP *:afs3-prserver (LISTEN)
gunicorn  18  root    5u  IPv4  23926      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
nginx     22  root    8u  IPv4  15646      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
nginx     22  root    9u  IPv4  15647      0t0  TCP *:webcache (LISTEN)
nginx     22  root   10u  IPv4  15648      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
python    23  root    6u  IPv4    725      0t0  TCP *:cfinger (LISTEN)
python    23  root    7u  IPv4    726      0t0  TCP *:mailbox (LISTEN)
nginx     24  root    6u  IPv4  17845      0t0  TCP *:ddi-tcp-1 (LISTEN)
java      25  root   26u  IPv6  20049      0t0  TCP *:shell (LISTEN)
java      25  root   37u  IPv6  24113      0t0  TCP *:5514 (LISTEN)
java      25  root  242u  IPv6  25757      0t0  TCP *:9301 (LISTEN)
nginx     55 nginx    6u  IPv4  17845      0t0  TCP *:ddi-tcp-1 (LISTEN)
nginx     56 nginx    8u  IPv4  15646      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
nginx     56 nginx    9u  IPv4  15647      0t0  TCP *:webcache (LISTEN)
nginx     56 nginx   10u  IPv4  15648      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
gunicorn  99  root    5u  IPv4  23926      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
gunicorn 107  root    5u  IPv4  23926      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
sshd     124  root    3u  IPv4  18705      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd     124  root    4u  IPv6  18707      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)

Java is opening a port to listen on 5514.

Have you seen this behavior before?

Hey @kotter,

you are not able to send it to a new logstash host? The logstash process seems to be crashing.
It's up only for 3sec while the other supervisor processes are up for over two minutes.
What does the logfile say (/var/log/supervisor/logstash.log)?

Thanks @ChristianKniep - looks like I gained a few line breaks when transferring my logstash.conf file out of the old instance.

/check your configs!

it seems it's not intuitive enough... Should think of a way to make this error more obvious...

yeah, I had to do a little searching around and add lsof to the image temporarily to try to find out why I was getting a rejection... if I had just hit the /var/log/supervisor/logstash.log (maybe add that to your doc if it's not already there?) I would have seen the error almost immediately. More my ignorance of the log location than any issue with what you have produced.

Thanks again!

one way would be to add a step to the startscript that does a config-check (logstash has an option for that). If that fails you got a differnent error message. I'll keep that in mind and sleep over it. :)

ahh.. wrong button...

one way would be to add a step to the startscript that does a config-check (logstash has an option for that). If that fails you got a differnent error message. I'll keep that in mind and sleep over it. :)
