
Merge NpmIntellisense into this extension

eyalellenbogen opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi again,

What do you think about merging your other extension ( with this one?

I think it makes sense to have one extension take care of import statements.


I also use them together and have a problem: say I'd like to import a relative file and want to type ./ the . will trigger "accept" and accepts the first suggested npm module. I can't find the corresponding shortcut to change this behaviour :/


The same problem exists for relative paths like ../../. The third . (say ../.) will accept the first suggested file.

@donaldpipowitch the solution is to unbind .. Add this to keybindings.json:
{ "key": ".", "command": "" }

@dbettini Thank you for the hint. Didn't know that. I also added ".." as first suggestion which makes it even faster since you only have to hit enter.

Awesome, thanks.

@eyalellenbogen: PathIntellisense is not just for import statements but for path completion in general. You can for example also autocomplete url in html src attributes. Also in a few years, npm could be replaced by another package manager while autocompletion for paths is something I don't expect to go away soon. This is why I created two extension separately.