
white circle

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. start a complex scene, mr_serie14_bone_muscle_fat_tendons_ligaments_vessels.xml
    (4 volumes)
  2. move towards the volume (w key)
  3. the screen shows a white circle only

tested on a 840m graphic card, 2gb ram, 512x512 resolution

terminal output:
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.HABuffer: Clear time 1.31456 ms
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.HABuffer: Build time -1 ms
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.HABuffer: Render time 0 ms
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131188, "Buffer usage warning: Discarding a video memory only buffer object. The data store will be reallocated on next usage of the buffer object.", "LowSeverity", "OtherType")
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131188, "Buffer usage warning: Discarding a video memory only buffer object. The data store will be reallocated on next usage of the buffer object.", "LowSeverity", "OtherType")
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131188, "Buffer usage warning: Discarding a video memory only buffer object. The data store will be reallocated on next usage of the buffer object.", "LowSeverity", "OtherType")
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 0 count: 6 firstIndex: 0 baseVertex: 0
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: head: 256 headoffset 0x1400 objectcount: 1
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType")

[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType")

[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType")

[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 0 count: 6 firstIndex: 0 baseVertex: 0
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: head: 0 headoffset 0x0 objectcount: 1
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType")

[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Render objects with shader 8 with 3 objects
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 0 count: 2 firstIndex: 6 baseVertex: 4
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 1 count: 2 firstIndex: 8 baseVertex: 6
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 2 count: 2 firstIndex: 10 baseVertex: 8
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: head: 256 headoffset 0x1400 objectcount: 3
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType")

[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Render objects with shader 9 with 4 objects
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Reserve 64 bytes head 3072
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Index 0 customBufferSize 64 custom 0x7f95b4fc3600 matrices 0x7f95b4fc4200
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 0 count: 1 firstIndex: 48 baseVertex: 18
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 1 count: 1 firstIndex: 85 baseVertex: 27
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 2 count: 1 firstIndex: 122 baseVertex: 36
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 3 count: 1 firstIndex: 159 baseVertex: 45
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: head: 0 headoffset 0x0 objectcount: 4
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType")

[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Render objects with shader 10 with 1 objects
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Reserve 64 bytes head 256
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Index 0 customBufferSize 64 custom 0x7f95b4fc3700 matrices 0x7f95b4fc8200
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Reserve 64 bytes head 2048
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Index 1 customBufferSize 64 custom 0x7f95b4fc3200 matrices 0x7f95b4fc8200
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 0 count: 3840 firstIndex: 160 baseVertex: 46
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: head: 256 headoffset 0x1400 objectcount: 1
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType")

[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Reserve 960 bytes head 512
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Index 0 customBufferSize 960 custom 0x7f95b4fc3800 matrices 0x7f95b4fc4200
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Reserve 24 bytes head 2304
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: Index 1 customBufferSize 24 custom 0x7f95b4fc3300 matrices 0x7f95b4fc4200
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: counter: 0 count: 6 firstIndex: 0 baseVertex: 0
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 Graphics.ObjectManager: head: 0 headoffset 0x0 objectcount: 1
[2016-09-01 11:16:52] - 7275 OpenGl: QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 131218, "Program/shader state performance warning: Fragment Shader is going to be recompiled because the shader key based on GL state mismatches.", "MediumSeverity", "PerformanceType") `

reproducible on branch fix-white-screen (cherry picked the 3 last commits of less-resolution)

Thanks. I was able to reproduce it once with the multi-volume scene, but failed two times afterwards. Can you provide your test scene with the assets? Can you please also save the camera position (F10 shortcut) if only the white circle is rendered and then load the scene again and set this camera position.