
This repo implements a 3D segmentation task for an airport baggage dataset.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Scalable 3D Semantic Segmentation for Gun Detection in CT Scans

License: MIT

This repo implements a 3D super-resolution segmentation task for an airport baggage dataset.

Our final paper can be found here.

The HiLo-Network code can be found in the corresponding hilo_network branch.

Model Architecture

To solve the problem of binary classification an Occupancy Network is utilize. The occupancy network is implemented with and without concatenation of the latent tensor from the encoding to the decoding path. Additionally conditional batch normalization in the decoding path can be utilized.

text Original occupancy network with conditional batch normalization and without concatenation text Occupancy network without conditional batch normalization and with concatenation


The occupancy network can be trained and/or tested, on the airport baggage dataset, by simply executing the main file.

python main.py

The following arguments can be passed to the main.py script.

Argument Default value Info
--train 1 (True) Flag to perform training
--test 1 (True) Flag to perform testing
--batch_size 10 Batch size to be utilized
--lr 1e-04 Learning rate to use
--gpus_to_use '0' Indexes of the GPUs to be use
--use_data_parallel 0 (False) Use multiple GPUs (num of GPUs must be a factor of the batch size)
--epochs 100 Epochs to perform while training
--use_cat 1 (True) One if concatenation should be utilized
--use_cbn 1 (True) One if conditional BN should be utilized else normal BN is used
--loss 'cross_entropy' Loss function to be utilized ('cross_entropy', 'dice' or 'focal')
--load_model 'None' Path to model to be loaded

