
Link to UI state

jfsiii opened this issue · 4 comments

The motivating user story

  • Developer records a timeline trace that's interesting
  • Developer interacts with timeline (changes zoom level, finds long frame(s))
  • Developer determines source of interesting behavior
  • Developer sends link to others which puts UI into same state

This is independent from, but a likely a step towards, #5

"same" state could be as simple as mirroring the time range, but would ideally mirror UI state. Specifically, focused functions in flame chart and selected tab (e.g Summary, Bottom-Up, Call Tree, Event Log) in bottom panel.

What if we add additional GET params to url to manage this stuff?

@denar90 That's what I had in mind

@caseq ping

@paulirish @caseq Ping. Is there any interest in this? The lack of motion makes me think it should be closed or punted to some future milestone.