
A particle simulation that creates interesting visual effects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A particle simulation that creates interesting visual effects, made with p5.js.


Refer to p5js docs for any functions that aren't defined within this sketch, such as setup, draw, mousePressed, loop,noLoop, isLooping...

Play and Pause

Press the space bar to play and pause the sketch. This functionality can be found at the end of sketch.js

function keyPressed() {
  if (key === " ") {

and in sketch_utils.js

  static toggleLoop() {
    if (isLooping()) {
    } else if (!isLooping()) {

Capture Video

To capture video, in sketch.js, in the draw function, uncomment the following line of code.

  // SketchUtils.renderAnimation();

This will use the CCapture package to render an animation in .webm format. To change the rendering options, they can be found in the index.html. The library used is CCapture. Go to their documentation for more information on rendering options.

Create Attractor Placement on Initialization

In the sketch.js file, in the setup function, add attractors to the attractor array, specifying an X and Y coordinate in the arguments.

function setup() {
  //Create Canvas
  createCanvas(1080, 920);
  //Place an attractor at the origin. In p5js, this is the top left corner.
  attractors.push(new Attractor(0, 0));
  //Place an attractor in the middle
  attractors.push(new Attractor(width / 2, height / 2));
  //Place an attractor at a specific point within the canvas dimensions
  attractors.push(new Attractor(527, 143));

Create Attractors at run-time

Left click on the canvas to create an attractor at the mouse position. This functionality can be found in sketch.js,

//Left click to create new attractor position
function mousePressed() {
  SketchUtils.createAttractor({ DeleteOldestAttractor: true });

Set the DeleteOldestAttractor option to true or false, if you want to delete the oldest attractor's effect on the particles, thus allowing for more particle movement variety on attractor placement.

Particles follow attractors and/or mouse position

  • In the run function in particle.js, add or remove the applyAttractors and applyMouseForce functions.
  • The delay property specifies after how many frames should the forces start to be applied, for visual effects variety
  • frameCount is a builtin p5js property
  run() {
    if (frameCount >= this.delay) {
      //this function applies the position of the attractors as a gravitational force on the particles
      //this function applies the mouse position as a gravitational force. The particles follow the mouse.

Show Attractor position in sketch

in attractor.js, toggle the show function. If running, it shows the position of the Attractor as a green circle.

 run() {
    //Toggle attractor display