
@Channel mentions working but not @user mentions

trent-dailey opened this issue · 1 comments

Orb version: 4.12.1

What happened:

I am using the slack/on-hold job and it is successfully sending notifications to slack but it is unable to do @user mentions, as the notification is successful it just doesn't honor the @mention. Using @here or @channel mentions work without issue.

Expected behavior:

The user should get an @mention in the slack channel the notification is sent to.

Additional Information:

I have followed the information at for setting up the integration and my circleCI workflow is:
test-workflow: jobs: - slack/on-hold: channel: ********** debug: true mentions: "<@Trent Dailey>" context: slack-integration-context - pause-for-approval: type: approval requires: - slack/on-hold

Here is the output from the job:
Posting Status BASH_ENV file: /tmp/.bash_env-63d444ae7b72fb792b0abcf8-0-build Does Not Exist. Skipping file execution Checking For JQ + CURL Sanitizing CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME... Sanitizing CIRCLE_BRANCH... Sanitizing CIRCLE_USERNAME... Sanitizing SLACK_PARAM_MENTIONS... Sanitizing SLACK_PARAM_CIRCLECI_HOST... Sanitizing CIRCLE_WORKFLOW_ID... Sending to Slack Channel: ********** The message body being sent to Slack can be found below. To view redacted values, rerun the job with SSH and access: slack-orb-logs.2HDjHH/payload.json { "text": "CircleCI job on hold, waiting for approval.", "blocks": [ { "type": "header", "text": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "ON HOLD - Awaiting Approval :raised_hand:", "emoji": true } }, { "type": "section", "fields": [ { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Project*: ********" }, { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Branch*: *******" }, { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Author*: *******" } ], "accessory": { "type": "image", "image_url": "", "alt_text": "CircleCI logo" } }, { "type": "section", "fields": [ { "type": "mrkdwn", "text": "*Mentions*: <@Trent Dailey>" } ] }, { "type": "actions", "elements": [ { "type": "button", "action_id": "basic_on_hold_view", "text": { "type": "plain_text", "text": "View Workflow" }, "url": "**********************" } ] } ], "channel": "**************" } The response from the API call to Slack can be found below. To view redacted values, rerun the job with SSH and access: slack-orb-logs.2HDjHH/response.json {"ok":true,"channel":"**********","ts":"1674855603.509009","message":{"bot_id":"*********","type":"message","text":"CircleCI job on hold, waiting for approval.","user":"*********","ts":"1674855603.509009","app_id":"A04JHF8QDND","blocks":[{"type":"header","block_id":"Hdjwj","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"ON HOLD - Awaiting Approval :raised_hand:","emoji":true}},{"type":"section","block_id":"u9RgF","accessory":{"type":"image","image_url":"https:\/\/\/otz5mn-bw4j2w-6jzqo8\/original\/circle-logo-badge-black.png","alt_text":"CircleCI logo"},"fields":[{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"*Project*: ********","verbatim":false},{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"*Branch*: *******","verbatim":false},{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"*Author*: *********","verbatim":false}]},{"type":"section","block_id":"UYtw3","fields":[{"type":"mrkdwn","text":"*Mentions*: &lt;@Trent Dailey&gt;","verbatim":false}]},{"type":"actions","block_id":"Sq+A+","elements":[{"type":"button","action_id":"basic_on_hold_view","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"View Workflow","emoji":true},"url":"************"}]}],"team":"T0483LV6C","bot_profile":{"id":"*******","app_id":"********","name":"CircleCI","icons":{"image_36":"https:\/\/\/80588\/img\/plugins\/app\/bot_36.png","image_48":"https:\/\/\/80588\/img\/plugins\/app\/bot_48.png","image_72":"https:\/\/\/80588\/img\/plugins\/app\/service_72.png"},"deleted":false,"updated":1673306884,"team_id":"******"}},"warning":"missing_charset","response_metadata":{"warnings":["missing_charset"]}} CircleCI received exit code 0

Users may not work with the @ for a number of reasons, including the name having a space or special character. You may instead need to use the UUID of the user.