Hashicorp image cant work with slack orb
stascnb opened this issue · 1 comments
stascnb commented
Orb version:
What happened:
Using hashicorp/terraform:1.1.4 image breaks slack orb,
Spits out this result
Posting Status
BASH_ENV file: /tmp/.bash_env-hash-hash-0-build
Does Not Exist. Skipping file execution
Checking For JQ + CURL
SLACK ORB ERROR: CURL is required. Please install.
Expected behavior:
Sending a slack notification
Additional Information:
Tried using nodejs image as the base and worked fine,
Tried all slack orb versions all the way to 4.10.1 and no luck
KyleTryon commented
As the error is stating, CURL and JQ are required for this orb to work. Not all images will contain CURL and JQ and may need to be installed or added to the image.