
Feature: provide `elementRef` of node.

liesahead opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe any alternatives/workarounds you're currently using

We don't have tree-node elements in our html, therefore a hack was needed to get that reference. Workaround is to set nodeClass on each node and select it by classname later, but this feels hacky. Especially, when you see that in types declaration there is an elementRef and when you try to use it - it throws an error.

More detailed description of use-case here: #904.

If accepted, I would be willing to submit a PR for this feature

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The elementRef always throws an error because that's hardcoded in there - it should have been removed a long time ago. It was removed because of the virtual scroll and there would be a few problems adding it back and having virtual scroll.

That workaround with the class and selecting it later does sound hacky. But why are you not using the template options?

Thanks for the reply. We use treeNodeTemplate which is kind of enough for us. Adding more explicit template just to set some classnames or ViewChild references seems like an overhead here. So it would be nice to get a reference somehow by node id or similar.