
meraki_network Not applying config for local status page and options

DerrickTJ opened this issue · 7 comments

local_status_page_enabled doesn't seem to do anything on the meraki_network module. I tested it against a new and existing network. It would not change the value to false from a default of true.


    - name: Create Network
        auth_key: abc123
        org_name: YourOrg
        net_name: YourNet
        state: present
          - switch
          - appliance
          - wireless
        timezone: America/Chicago
        enable_vlans: true
        local_status_page_enabled: false
      delegate_to: localhost

Would like to see the username/password options for the device config added to the module as well since it seems to hit that API URL anyways.:!update-network-settings .

$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.14.1]
python version = 3.11.1

Thanks for reporting this. I'll look into it soon.

I just looked into this and indeed, it wouldn't work. It used to be you'd set this via one endpoint. However, they've since split it out to multiple endpoints which complicates things significantly. I actively avoid making calls to multiple endpoints and merging the data so the best way to approach this would be for me to create a new module. Something like meraki_network_settings and deprecate the modules. I updated the documentation to state it no longer works.

My intention is to release 3.0 this year simply for breaking changes so this would be included. In the short term, I'll look into developing a new module.

Yeah, that was kind of the direction I was heading when I was looking at what you already had. meraki_network_settings makes the most sense as that was what I was originally looking for when I was trying to find what module made this setting change based on the API.

I made some decent progress on a new module tonight and hope to have it ready for your testing this week. 🤞

Awesome! Thanks!

@DerrickTJ I have PR #417 open. Are you able to test that module and let me know how well it works for your use case? Thank you.

Sure thing, I'll test it today.