
⚡ Windows / PowerShell script alternative

nicpenning opened this issue · 23 comments

I see there is which will execute the code for the connector.

Since this is being run on Windows, I would rather have a more native way to execute encore.

Outside of re-writing the to PowerShell (which I have done), is there any other out of the box functionality to run this on Windows?

I am willing to share my PowerShell script alternative to this project if no other way seems to exist.

Working through this same thing. Would you by chance be able to share your ps1 script for this?

Greatly appreciate it!

I will see if I can grab it as is. Might need to be updated since they're have been some changes on this product.

Is there a missing with the distribution? I can take a crack at writing the ps1 script to call to and but the import's break to the other files in sub-directories.

I basically converted the into encore.ps1 and called the pieces I needed. Mainly JSON output.

I created the PR here: #19

This is great, much appreciated. I was about to publish a script but yours is much more polished. I'm hitting an error that I have to work through still...

AttributeError: module 'win_inet_pton' has no attribute 'inet_ntop'

I've pip installed the dependency (pip install win_inet_pton) but still getting the error. Will have to dig on this one.

This was a weird thing. I had to edit the original python code as well.

Was it the file?

Yup, from the

You recall what you edited? I thought it might have been a typo for the module but figured that would have been patched fairly quickly. I guess there just aren't a lot of users running this from a windows box.

I got it here: 5e381cf

I committed that file change. Happy I found it. I remember spending a lot of time debugging and fixing that one haha!

Awesome. Huge time saver for me. Really appreciate the help!

Please let me know if it works for you. I wrote it last July and haven't really touched it since. It was a POC and I thought it worked okay but not fully vetted, use at your own risk!

A step in the right direction. The ps script works great. After patching the I seem to be pass that error, but still managed to hit another snag =/

021-04-26 17:36:31,573 Writer INFO Starting process. Process Process-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\myaccount\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\estreamer\", line 139, in parse parser.parse() File "C:\Users\myaccount\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\estreamer\adapters\", line 519, in parse self._parse(, self.offset, self.record ) File "C:\Users\myaccount\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\estreamer\adapters\", line 413, in _parse offset = self._parseAttributes( data, offset, attributes, record ) File "C:\Users\myaccount\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\estreamer\adapters\", line 401, in _parseAttributes offset = self._parseBlock( data, offset, attribute, block ) File "C:\Users\myaccount\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\estreamer\adapters\", line 216, in _parseBlock blockDefinition = Binary._blockDefinition( blockKey ) File "C:\Users\myaccount\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\estreamer\adapters\", line 183, in _blockDefinition raise ParsingException('Unknown block definition: {0}', key ) estreamer.exception.ParsingException: ('Unknown block definition: {0}', 157)

I think I ran into that as well, let me check that file and get back to you. Might be tomorrow as I am away from the code.

Thanks again, greatly appreciate the help. Will update if I determine the issue before then.

So I feel pretty silly because I removed the init and main function calls. I added those back in on my latest commit. Try that (even though I don't think that will help).

Also, you shouldn't get any errors on the running of this script because it wasn't calling anything.

Lastly, here is me running it with a bad config:

PS C:\Users\myuser\Tools\PowerShell\fp-05-firepower-cef-connector-arcsight-3.8.4-windows> .\ test
Where does your Python 2.7 live? Example - C:\Program Files\Python27\: C:\Program Files\Python27\
Python 2.7 is installed
Usage: encore.ps1 {start | stop | restart | foreground | test | setup}

    start:      starts eNcore as a background task
    stop:       stop the eNcore background task
    restart:    stop the eNcore background task
    foreground: runs eNcore in the foreground
    test:       runs a quick test to check connectivity
    setup:      change the output (splunk | cef | json)

Enter an option.: test
2021-04-26T18:39:25.307000 Diagnostics  INFO    Checking that configFilepath (estreamer.conf) exists
2021-04-26 18:39:25,437 Diagnostics  INFO     Check certificate
2021-04-26 18:39:25,450 Diagnostics  INFO     Creating connection
2021-04-26 18:39:25,453 Connection   INFO     Connecting to
2021-04-26 18:39:25,456 Connection   INFO     Using TLS v1.2
2021-04-26T18:39:36.009000 Diagnostics  ERROR   TimeoutException: Could not connect to eStreamer Server at all. Are you sure the host and port are correct? If so then perhaps it is a firewall issue.```

So I have confirmed that this works with the latest release.

Also, I was using python 2.7. I haven't tested 3+ yet.

I had ran the script from an IDE and called main from the command line. All that worked great. Seems to be just some issues down-line in

What IDE did you use? Using ISE there are some odd errors but Visual Studio Code seemed to work well.

Visual code. The integrated IDE isn't supported anymore and has quite a few issues like you mentioned.

The client can connect to and authenticate with the pkcs12, once it begins event ingest is crashes within the

"C:\Users\myaccount\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\estreamer\adapters\", line 183, in _blockDefinition raise ParsingException('Unknown block definition: {0}', key ) estreamer.exception.ParsingException:

Have you tried Python 2.7?

I'm limited on what I can run on this box which brought me here hoping to find a version of the eStreamer client that was made to run on 3. I'm still digging on the error in hopes to trace down the issue.