CiscoSecurity/fp-05-microsoft-sentinel-connector foreground error

Opened this issue · 4 comments

After successful test, I am seeing this error with the foreground command.
I tried stopping the encore to reset the PID file but it still occurs.
It seems that data is being received at Azure Sentinel.
I did not set a outputter setting, as that seemed to break things more.
How do I resolve this?

File "./estreamer/", line 180, in main
self.start( reprocessPkcs12 = args.pkcs12 )
File "./estreamer/", line 140, in start
File "/home/username/fp-05-microsoft-sentinel-connector/estreamer/", line 38, in create
raise estreamer.EncoreException('PID file already exists')
estreamer.exception.EncoreException: PID file already exists

File "./estreamer/", line 198, in
File "./estreamer/", line 184, in main
File "/home/username/fp-05-microsoft-sentinel-connector/estreamer/crossprocesslogging/", line 100, in error
self.log(logging.ERROR, data)
File "/home//username/fp-05-microsoft-sentinel-connector/estreamer/crossprocesslogging/", line 69, in log
data = self.__serialise( data )
File "/home//username/fp-05-microsoft-sentinel-connector/estreamer/crossprocesslogging/", line 35, in __serialise
message = + ': ' + data.message
AttributeError: 'EncoreException' object has no attribute 'message'

Hi @tklose ,

Were you able to fix this?


If you're using the Python3 branch, see below my notes. This is from Cisco TAC after I had a call with them today:

Well, after much ado with Cisco TAC - I had a call with their devs today. Finally I now understand why things weren't working for me at least - and I'm hoping this is the fix for you guys as well.

Basically, Cisco's been updating the main repo, not the python3 branch. The main repo is now using python3 (and not python2 as was expected). The main branch works after I reinstalled it and ran it in the foreground. Going to do more testing, but data is flowing now.

Cisco stated they would be updating this repo and removing the python3 branch entirely to avoid confusion.