
Identify Verification Link from ABP

stephaniemar opened this issue · 9 comments

As a user I will see a Confirm ID badge on the Access Boston Portal, when clicked it will start the ID Verification process for non- integrated apps.

  • New Badge will have the name Confirm ID
  • When the new Confirm ID icon is clicked the user will start the new ID Verification Workflow for non- integrated apps

have an icon from Caroline:
badge icon

@phillipbentonkelly I asked for new URLs for this process and Frank said "EXTERNAL records: I'll need to know the public IP or CNAME to point to". Can you provide the CNAME/IP please? For Test and Prod.

@g-grozier I emailed this, putting here too for ref.

Checking out those endpoints they return 401 'no access' errors for DEV & PROD. Is this happening because BASIC AUTH credentials (username/password) are different for each of them and what we have is the user/pass for just TEST?





btw, the new URL for TEST works.

My team doesn't work in Digital GitHub. @phillipbentonkelly if you have questions you can either email (which I believe you did) or better yet set up a quick meeting.

Thanks Gretchen! Phil emailed the team the same info last Friday.

@g-grozier can you please let us know the group name? thanks