
choiceModel.gaml and MoBalance.gaml broken

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Step to reproduce

Run choiceModel.gaml and MoBalance.gaml
The model doesn't run anymore here the error thrown:

2 occurrences in 2 agents at cycle 0: Java error: RuntimeException
in create zones from: geojson_zones with: [popsqmile::float(read('pop_per_sqmile')), zoneId::string(read('id'))];
RuntimeException: Error parsing urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84 as crs id
in agents Simulation 0, mobilityAI0

Gama version 1.8 Offical Release

It migth come from the new version of GAMA. I will investigate this

I haven't been using this model for a while and the python scripts have changed quite a bit since then so there is probably an issue with the data produced by the python scripts.

The ABM we discussed (#13) would be significantly different from the existing one anyway. In the old ABM, I was doing the location and mode choices in GAMA but the idea now is to initiate agents from a cityIO json which already has their home/work locations and modes. It might be easiest to start from a new model for this. What do you think?

I fixed it it was a simple bad projection naming convention in the file.

Regarding issue #13, it will be a very different model indeed however it's always good to have different and a stand-alone model from GAMA working

If you think they are not relevant any more then it might be better to remove them or to archives them in a separated folder.