CTI Holograms sometimes appear with incorrect offset
squareblob opened this issue · 2 comments
squareblob commented
I'm not always able to replicate this, but one example of what I mean is attached below. I CTI'd the other face of the wall and left the server for a bit. When I came back and CTI'd the face of the wall seen in the image, the holograms were offset in the wrong direction. Even after AFKing ~10 min the effect remained.
edit : to replicate:
- place reinforced wall
- relog
- CTI from opposite side
- result: Holograms show as if hit from original side
Gjum commented
what are the coordinates of this wall and your looking direction? might have to do with negative coordinates being rounded wrong.
squareblob commented
Positive coordinates, looking at negative Z. I am able to recreate issue with a different wall, looking at positive Z.