
Dev tools container

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Create an additional docker container with Drupal focussed developer tools:

  • xDebug, Xhprof
  • Ruby, Sass, Compass
  • phpmyadmin
  • others?

+1 for XDebug.This is a blocker for some of my colleagues.

The davenuman/bowline-web-php:latest image now has xdebug.

👍 thanks @davenuman!

I'm struggling to get xdebug configured in PHPStorm when working with Bowline projects. As I understand it, the Docker containers are not directly accessible via SSH, so setting up a remote interpreter via SSH is not viable. The only remaining option is to set up a remote Vagrant interpreter, but PHPStorm displays a "failed to send channel request" error.

Any advice on what I might be doing wrong?

Closing old v1 issues