
Democratising Action for Attainment | Understanding attainment through the lens of poverty across the Northern Alliance region of Scotland.

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Understanding attainment through the lens of poverty across the Northern Alliance region of Scotland.
.gitbook/assets/Platform - Cover Page (1).png

📖 Democratising Action for Attainment


  • Akhil Sagiraju ; Developer
  • Jatin Baghel ; Designer
  • Nupura Gawde ; Researcher
  • Deepthi Chand ; Technology Lead
  • Arpit Arora ; Project Lead


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can read more about the terms of the license of the linked page below.

{% content-ref url="resources/license.md" %} license.md {% endcontent-ref %}



For any queries related to the work please contact education@civicdatalab.in .