
What events belong to event listings? What counts as news?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I thought figuring out what would go into the event listings would be easy, but I think there are complications. One complication has to do with the City of Cambridge information night. Should that be included in every race where it applies? This clutters the display. Should it just be listed for Cambridge Mayor? That does not seem right either.

On a related note, one candidate is holding weekly "Town Halls". Should this person get all the town halls listed in the events for that race? This has bad optics.

Do we include blog posts as news? Just established media sites? What is the bar for inclusion?

I have opinions about this but can be flexible. We should figure out a strategy here, however.

Some events are listed here:

Decisions I heard:

  • We include all events in the site, but we only publish multi-candidate events in the ward listings
  • We want informational events highlighted somehow. Maybe they can get their own section on the events page.
  • I did not raise the question of whether we include blog posts as news articles.

I will attempt to implement some of this over the next few days.


  • Opinions about the referendum are easier than opinions about candidates.
  • Maybe opinions in mainstream media is more acceptable than opinions on arbitrary blogs.
  • We have to be careful about astroturfing by people who are stumping for particular candidates.
    That is about all I know. I think that there needs to be more clarity on this.