
HTML5 2D game engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Alt text

2D HTML5 game engine Duedo is currently under heavy development and actually does not have a physics engine and a mobile support

Seeking collaborators

#Version info

  1. Project started: 01/2014
  2. Actual version: 0.8.5
  3. Renderer: canvas2d context

#Compile Using 'gulp' the build folder will contains duedo.js and duedo.minified.js

#Engine and functionality

  1. Sound manager
  2. Can preload and play: mp3, wav, ogg, mp4
  3. Dynamic sounds: you can give a world location to the sound: smanager.Play("soundname").SetLocation(x, y);
  4. Callbacks for every sound playing
  5. Google speech recognition to trigger vocal commands inside your game
  6. Events
  7. Set customized events based on time (like a spaceship that appear every 10 seconds or by a random value)
  8. Give to each element a customizable lifetime
  9. Handle objects temporary modifications
  10. StateManager
  11. Create your own game states (menu, menu2, gameplay, menu3)
  12. Animations
  13. Animate the properties of a graphic object (mysprite.Animate( { prop:val }, time, "Linear"))
  14. Bind customized callbacks to the animations
  15. Input and interactions manager
  16. Keyboard
  17. Mouse
  18. Customizable input properties
  19. Handle pointer events: like dragging or click or pointerover, pointerup ...
  20. QuadTree support
  21. Particle System
  22. Useful to create some graphical effects like fire, smoke, magic etc.. (not collidable)
  23. Includes a json presets ready to use and customize
  24. Spritesheets and image rendering
  25. Geometry and math support
  26. Parallax
  27. Physics engine: box2d, to be connected
  28. Tilemap: to develop

#Physics engine Alt text

Box2d official page http://box2d.org/

#Todo Tilemaps, physics engine, improve the parallax, video rendering

#Toimprove & bugs Toimprove: Geometry rotations and rendering