(C) 2019 Cjreek
An editor to edit Diablo 2 (LoD + Resurrected) textfiles.
Open a whole folder (workspace) with all your .txt files for easy access
Drag&Drop files into the program to load them
Edit multiple files at once (tabbed layout)
Search functionality
Fix the first X columns to keep track of the current row when scrolling to the right
Alternating row colors for readability
delete/append/insert and copy rows
Handy shortcuts for editing:
Shortcut Functionality Escape Cancel changes while editing a cell Delete Empty cell Ctrl + Delete Delete selected row Ctrl + + Increment cell value by 1 Ctrl + - Decrement cell value by 1 Ctrl + C Copy cell contents to clipboard Ctrl + X Copy cell contents to clipboard and empty selected cell (cut) Ctrl + V Paste clipboard to selected cell Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Y Redo Shift + Mousewheel Scroll horizontally
D2Excel Plus saves some settings in the following files:
%appdata% (usually) refers to the following path:
- [FIX] Fixed overwriting too many cells when pasting (i.e. 2 cells where copied, 3 where pasted)
- [FIX] Fixed not being able to open multiple files with the same file name
- [FIX] Locking/unlocking columns now preserves the selection and cursor position instead of jumping to the top left
- [FEATURE] Added undo/redo functionality
- [FEATURE] Added multiselect of cells supporting copy&paste and other operations on cells
- [FIX] Fixed a bug causing files to be saved in an invalid way, causing the game to crash - resaving with the current version should fix those files.
- [FIX] Grid contents now update continuously while scrolling
- Initial Release