
Array of where, when one of the values is an array

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function fetch($db, $translator, $wheres)
	$query = new \ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\Select;
	/* other stuff to setup query */
	list($queryString, $queryParams) = $translator->translate($query);
	return getQueryResult($db, $queryString, $queryParams);

fetch($mysqli, $translator, [ 'otherThing' => 'otherValue', 'status' => [ 'Active', 'Inactive' ] ]);

The above code generates a MySQL error: "Operand should contain 1 column(s)"

Examining the generated query string:

select fields from table where ( `otherThing` = ?, `status` = (?, ?) )

The Fix:

Replace \ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\SelectBase.php:153-156:

        if (is_array($param2)) 
            $param2 = array_unique($param2);


        if (is_array($param2)) 
            $param2 = array_unique($param2);
            if ($param1 === '=') $param1 = 'IN';