Plugin Update False Flag?
Closed this issue · 4 comments
There are some reports of the plugin saying that there is a new update to the migration plugin. Even though it is the latest version, it seems to only be happening after the switch from WP to CP.
See the following forum links:
This is not an upgrade notification for the plugin, it's the link that you click to switch to ClassicPress. It says Upgrade
This was probably more clear before, when this link said Migrate
. We could consider changing it back, otherwise there is nothing to do here.
Would that explain:
I noticed the updates tabs show an update is available for the ClassicPress plugin.
Because I still have the plugin installed after migration, but it isn't showing up in my list of plugins with updates available.
Yeah I think that explains this particular report at least, but it is not possible that an upgrade would show up for the migration plugin.