
Implemented cleantalk for registration but not working

marshmeloo opened this issue · 24 comments

added below in user model
['email', UserValidator::className(), 'nickNameAttribute'=>'username']

added below in registration view

register with email "" as it is listed spam on cleantalk but get registered in my application.

show entry on cleantalk server as spam but in my application still get registered
Please help !!


the is not blacklisted at the moment,

The service filters only Emails/IPs with status 'Blacklisted'. To test the API please use email or any from TOP20 list,

Does it work? Thank you!


I tried, and but no luck.

Am'I missing something ??

Do you see requests with these emails in your Anti-spam log?

If not please check the 'apiKey' option. It should has same value at yours Dashbboard,

If the value same please let us know your account id (email) at Please send account id privately via welcome at cleantalk dot org. Or submit support request here,

Thank you!

Yes, I see the emails in Anti-spam log.


Please, show code of registration Controller

Thank you for reply!

It was issue with your account. Actually, you have to purchase 1 year license to get API working. In this case you have 60 days for full refund.

But I just applied 2 weeks free trial to your account,

Please let 10-15 minutes to update your account status on all servers. Then feel free use and test it.

Thank you!

Thanks, I will test it and if all my requirement meet will buy it definitely.

You are welcome!

Thank you for contacting us.


Now, I'm getting different issue.

It is blocking but also real email id like "" with response (Forbidden. Please enable JavaScript.).
And one more think, I'm getting spam from "" but i'm getting same response ("Forbidden. Please enable JavaScript.") as real emai id "".

can you please help !!!


Are you added code below to html-form?

<?= \cleantalk\antispam\Widget::widget()?>

You can check that ct_checkjs hidden input exists in html source.

Yes, it is added.

 input type="hidden" id="e3796ae838835da0b6f6ea37bcf8bcb7" name="ct_checkjs" value="-1" 
 input type="hidden" name="ct_formid" value="e3796ae838835da0b6f6ea37bcf8bcb7"  
  1. May be javascript really is disabled in browser settings?
  2. Please provide logs of registration bug how it writen in this article

javascript is enabled in my browser.

below are the logs of registration:



Quick question, Do I need to do something in registration controller (Using dektrium extensiion)?? As in documentation their is no such thing mentioned.

JavaScript test do not pass for your case. Cleantalk request contains js_on=0.

Are you see a code in html-sources how below?

<script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById("821fa74b50ba3f7cba1e6c53e8fa6845").value="325734aee0b12b377003daa1a2a2650f";}, 1000)

No, I don't see this code. So what is wrong ?

Yes, that is wrong.
\cleantalk\antispam\Widget has to register a JS code block for JavaScript test

So, how do i fix this ?

Please, send me email with a sample code (model,controller, view,app config, composer.json) where this problem repeats. Perhaps this is due to third-party extension.

psrustik @

Did you received my email ?


We are sorry for delay. Please let us 1-2 days to figure out the issue.

Thank you!

Issue solved, problem was in

  • Yii2 application layout did not call Asset bundles with code below
<?php $this->endBody() ?>
  • For dektrium/user extension cleantalk\antispam\validators\UserValidator rule must add into dektrium\user\models\RegistrationForm model, not User.