
Updated Mixin from 7.1 to 8.8 and got a crash

Darktotaled opened this issue · 7 comments

The crash catcher says its a problem with minecraft, forge and industrialcraft 2 but i noticed in the logs that mixin was mentioned and it was the only thing that i changed in this pack. switching back to mixin 7.1 fixes this

You'd want to use Alfheim as it is an updated Phosphor that works with newer mixin versions.

Ill test that, thanks

it didnt work. crashed before launching minecraft.

@Rongmario pastebin said i had offensive words in my log so i had to use privatebin for that

Think the mod requires Red Core. Also for the future, use mc.logs, it's better for minecraft log/crash files.

Ok. It launched this time. Ill get back to you if something happens. Thanks for the help