
Popup doesn't offer "dismiss" option and can't be terminated

JESii opened this issue · 3 comments

JESii commented
CleanShot 2023-10-06 at 08 12 46@2x

All I can do is accept the suggestion or add it to my personal dictionary -- where's the "ignore suggestion" option?

And how do I kill the popup entirely -- there's no "x" and {Esc} doesn't work.

You can click anywhere outside the popup to close it.

@JESii or use the cursor keys (or vim keys, like I use) to move outside of the word.
@Clemens-E did a great job making this plugin keyboard-friendly, but you have to map them yourself (like most obsidian themes): My workflow is to map the keyboard shortcuts for "Accept suggestion #1" to Ctrl+1 (and 2, 3, 4, 5)

That way I can dismiss and accept suggestions all with the keyboard - LOVELY!

Thanks for the info @0atman - very helpful!