
[Bug] Some correctly spelled words keep being flagged

hemicyon opened this issue · 3 comments

Language is manually set to English GB, and I’ve disabled rule EN_WORD_COHERENCY, but certain words are still being flagged for review. E.g. organise/organisation, realise/realisation continue to get flagged with an Oxford spelling: -ise verbs/nouns message prompting a choice between changing the word to ize (despite acknowledging that both are correct) or ignore the suggestion. Other words with more than one correct spelling—such as behaviour, colour, aeroplane, neighbour, licence, archaeology—are not being flagged for review. I couldn’t manage to find any other rule that might be the cause, which is why I’m thinking this is probably a bug.

I don't know what exactly your issue is, but if you have issues with the resulting checks, you should repeat on This way you know if it's an issue with the plugin or an issue with how LanguageTool rules (which you wouldn't report on this plugin)

I tried this, please let me know if that's what you meant:
And you expected this to not show? My knowledge on GB/US differences is not big enough, so no clue if that's correct, but you can disable the rule OXFORD_SPELLING_Z_NOT_S to ignore this (make sure to restart obsidian or edit the note before checking again)

Read the rule definition here:

I see, thanks! That’s the message I was talking about, yes. And no, I would definitely not expect to see this correction for British English (I’ve been assuming GB indicates Great Britain…realising now that I may be wrong about that though?).

Also just to note, I did search the rule list for the terms Oxford and spelling, and the rule Oxford_Spelling_Z_not_S was never in the results. I just double checked both search terms again right now to make sure I hadn’t missed it, but it still isn’t showing up in any search results.

Either way, I’ve disabled it now, and that has solved the issue. Wouldn’t’ve found that rule without your help. Cheers!

same I wonder why I can only find this rule through google