
[Question] Expo Config Plugin

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi guys, have you heard about Expo Config Plugins?

Its help to up and running that require more step after install package in expo prebuild

is there any planing to write Expo Config Plugin in clavertap-react-native ?

Expo Config Plugin Docs

@rizaldirnm CleverTap does not support Expo Apps officially. We will have to revisit Expo and Expo Config plugins before we decide to put in some effort into this.

Could you please let us know if you are using CleverTap React Native SDK with your Expo app?

in current situation we already implement both ios/android using Clevertap SDK. But now we in the middle of research to move into multi platform such as Expo. I am happy to hear if Clevertap implement Expo Config Plugin.

@rizaldirnm So CleverTap React Native SDK does not work well with Expo. This is because Expo has a very restricted way of building plugins. If you are still researching on the Expo, I would suggest going with React Native so that you can fully use CleverTap's features with our React Native SDK.

Ok thank you @darshanclevertap for quick response 🥂