How are empty parameterized arrays resolved?
NickSchmitt opened this issue · 2 comments
NickSchmitt commented
Hello, what SQL is produced when a parameterized array is empty?
e.g. what SQL is produced for select * from table where id in ({ idList: Array(String) });
when idList
is []
I ask because the client executes this query without errors, but without the client a NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH exception is thrown for an empty tuple.
slvrtrn commented
You can check the system.query_log table for that.
For example:
const rs = await client.query({
query: `
WITH cte AS (SELECT number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10)
SELECT number FROM cte WHERE number IN ({ empty_array: Array(Int32) })
format: 'JSONEachRow',
query_params: {
empty_array: [],
})'Result (array params):', await rs.json())
Result (array params): []
The generated query (by ClickHouse) from system.query_log
WITH cte AS (SELECT number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10)
SELECT number FROM cte WHERE number IN _CAST([], 'Array(Int32) ') FORMAT JSONEachRow
With a non-empty array:
const rs = await client.query({
query: `
WITH cte AS (SELECT number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10)
SELECT number FROM cte WHERE number IN ({ non_empty_array: Array(Int32) })
format: 'JSONEachRow',
query_params: {
non_empty_array: [1, 3, 7],
})'Result (array params):', await rs.json())
Result (array params): [ { number: '1' }, { number: '3' }, { number: '7' } ]
From system.query_log
WITH cte AS (SELECT number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10)
SELECT number FROM cte WHERE number IN _CAST([1, 3, 7], 'Array(Int32) ') FORMAT JSONEachRow
NickSchmitt commented
I appreciate such a quick and helpful response. I'll look more into system.query_log. Thanks @slvrtrn