
Would you mind clarifying the installation procedure for Metabase running on Docker?

danielrosehill opened this issue · 1 comments

From what I understood from the documentation, you download the ClickHouse connector/driver .jar and install it in /plugins (ie, one directory forward from the filesystem root).

I tried that and setting MB_PLUGINS_DIR with plugins as an environment variable as Metabase's documentation advises but it doesn't seem to have picked up on the plugin.

Tried nesting the .jar in the same directory as the JAR for Metabase itself (the Docker path is /app/plugins) but didn't seem to help either.

Would you mind clarifying what's the correct procedure for those of us on Docker and who already have Metabase installed (in which case the installations for codeploying Clickhouse with Metabase aren't relevant).

Figured it out .. my bad!