Unsupported type: Bool
ustas0 opened this issue · 2 comments
Error running query: xenon.clickhouse.exception.CHClientException: [-1] Unsupported type: Bool
An error occurred when I'm querying 'select * from .;'. Table contains fields with type Bool supported by Clickhouse.
ack, will fix it in few days.
Fixed it by myself:
file SchemaUtils.scala
def fromClickHouseType(chType: String): (DataType, Boolean) = {
val (unwrappedChType, nullable) = unwrapNullable(unwrapLowCardinalityTypePattern(chType))
val catalystType = unwrappedChType match {
case "String" | "UUID" | fixedStringTypePattern() | enumTypePattern(_) => StringType
case "Int8" => ByteType
add this string:
case "Bool" => BooleanType
def toClickHouseType(catalystType: DataType): String =
catalystType match {
case BooleanType => "UInt8"
change "UInt8" to "Bool"