
csv option for StitchNodes seems to be misplacing wind and zs

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It looks like 'wind' and 'zs' misplaced if csv option is specified.. See a sample csv file below. This is not apparent when 'gfdl' option is selected since it does not have column names.

track_id, year, month, day, hour, i, j, lon, lat, slp, wind, zs
0, 2024, 7, 1, 6, 165, 47, 301.250000, 11.750000, 9.934835e+04, -1.197757e+00, 2.386178e+01


What is your command line?

StitchNodes --in_list OutputFiles.txt --out Tracks.csv --out_file_format "csv" --in_fmt "lon,lat,slp,wind,zs" --range 8.0 --mintime
"24h" --maxgap "24h" --threshold "wind,>=,10.0,1;lat,<=,50.0,10;lat,>=,-50.0,10;zs,<=,150.0,10"

What is the DetectNodes line? Is it possible wind and zs are flipped in the DetectNodes output so that StitchNodes is happily reading zs as wind and wind as zs?

Oh I see.. The order comes all the way from DetectNodes. I was not aware of this implicit order. Thank you for letting me know. Here was my DetectNodes

DetectNodes --in_data_list fs_files.txt --out_file_list OutputFiles.txt --timefilter "6hr" --mergedist 6.0 --searchbymin mean_sea_level_pressure --closedcontourcmd "mean_sea_level_pressure,200.0,5.5,0;_DIFF(geopotential(300hPa),geopote
ntial(500hPa)),-58.8,6.5,1.0" --outputcmd "mean_sea_level_pressure,min,0;_DIV(geopotential_at_surface,9.81),max,0;_VECMAG(VAR_10U,VAR_10V),max,2" --latname lat --lonname lon --regional

Noted.. Thank you all..