
Add option to return radial (inflow/outflow) from CalculateRadialWindProfile

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When using --radial_wind_profile...

In CalculateRadialWindProfile, the azimuthal wind is calculated:

                // Calculate radial velocity
                //double dUr = dUx * dRx + dUy * dRy + dUz * dRz;

                // Calculate azimuthal velocity
                double dUa = dUx * dAx + dUy * dAy + dUz * dAz;

We should also allow the user to request radial velocity (inflow/outflow to the node).

I am not sure the cleanest way to do this. Perhaps something like

radial_wind_profile(, , , , )

where if opt is 0, it returns azimuthal wind and opt is 1 is returns radial wind.

I believe you then could take the radially averaged azimuthal and radial and combine them to get the true wind magnitude (which is what you'd get with radial_profile(_VEGMAG(U,V),X,Y).

Where this would be useful is for calculating inflow angle/cross-isobaric diagnostics such as those in Nardi et al., 2022.