

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Pyvan not able to install Tkinter as a module. When I run the command pyvan, after I open the dist folder to run the executable file. I get the error from tkinter import Tk,Label, StringVar, Entry, Button ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'. Can you please advise on this.

Go in dist/Scripts folder and install them manually with pip install tkinter.

I am using python 3.11. Got this error when i tried to install tkinter in dist/Scripts
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tkinter (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for tkinter

The embeded python used by pyvan doesn't come with tkinter module and it seems it's not available as a package on pypi.
Try to follow this:

The embeded python used by pyvan doesn't come with tkinter module and it seems it's not available as a package on pypi. Try to follow this:

The embedded python created by pyvan is not having the .\DLLs folder. Should I create one? I actually did what they instructed but still not working

I can share my script with you so you see the challenge @ClimenteA . So you assist with the proposed solution in pyvan. Kindly share you email if you are willing. Thank you

Hi @ClimenteA , thanks for your support I switched from tkinter to PyQt. It works fine.