Lint issues
Opened this issue · 0 comments
dnil commented
Lint has some issues with the code; very understandable given the time since last lint I'm sure. Let's fix at a somewhat low prio, but very nice to clear to see new things. We could change the lint workflow to report only for changed files, but anyhow nice to have a clean base.
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `.fix_variant.make_print_version` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `.genetic_models.check_genetic_models` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `.make_haploblocks.get_haploblocks` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `.model_score.get_model_score` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `.variant_annotator.VariantAnnotator` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F841 Local variable `feature_list` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `datetime.datetime` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `pprint.pprint` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F841 Local variable `compound_pairs` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F841 Local variable `mother_phenotype` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F841 Local variable `father_phenotype` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `.compound_model.check_compounds` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `.dominant_model.check_dominant` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `.recessive_model.check_recessive` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `.x_models.check_X_dominant` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `.x_models.check_X_recessive` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/models/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_models/ F401 `.get_model_score` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_regions/ E722 Do not use bare `except`
Error: genmod/annotate_regions/ F401 `pickle` imported but unused
Error: genmod/annotate_regions/ F841 Local variable `genes` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/annotate_variants/ F401 `.read_tabix_files.get_cadd_scores` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_variants/ F401 `.read_tabix_files.get_cosmic` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_variants/ F401 `.read_tabix_files.get_frequencies` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_variants/ F401 `.read_tabix_files.get_spidex_score` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/annotate_variants/ F841 Local variable `ref` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/annotate_variants/ E722 Do not use bare `except`
Error: genmod/annotate_variants/ F841 Local variable `freq` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `.annotate_models.models` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `.annotate_variant.annotate` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `.filter_variants.filter` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `.genmod_sort.sort` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `.score_compounds.compound` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `.score_variants.score` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/commands/ E722 Do not use bare `except`
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `pickle` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F821 Undefined name `compound_dict`
Error: genmod/commands/ F821 Undefined name `compounds`
Error: genmod/commands/ F821 Undefined name `compounds`
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `de_novo_set` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `inheritance_keyword` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ E713 Test for membership should be `not in`
Error: genmod/commands/ E713 Test for membership should be `not in`
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `start_time_variant_parsing` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `chromosome_list` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `start_time_analysis` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `genmod.vcf_tools.get_info_dict` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `genmod.vcf_tools.get_variant_dict` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `start_time_analysis` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `header_line` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ E713 Test for membership should be `not in`
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `genmod.vcf_tools.get_info_dict` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `header_line` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `start_time_variant_parsing` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `chromosome_list` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F401 `` imported but unused
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `nr_of_variants` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/commands/ F841 Local variable `header` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/errors/ F401 `genmod.errors.warning.warning` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/errors/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.check_plugins.check_plugins` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.compound_scorer.CompoundScorer` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.config_parser.ConfigParser` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.rank_score_variant_definitions.RANK_SCORE_TYPE_NAMES` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.rank_score_variant_definitions.RANK_SCORE_TYPES` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.score_function.ScoreFunction` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.score_variant.as_normalized_max_min` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `.score_variant.get_category_score` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F841 Local variable `family_id` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F841 Local variable `string_rules` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/score_variants/ E713 Test for membership should be `not in`
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F841 Local variable `csq_key` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/score_variants/ E713 Test for membership should be `not in`
Error: genmod/score_variants/ E713 Test for membership should be `not in`
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F821 Undefined name `error`
Error: genmod/score_variants/ F841 Local variable `e` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/utils/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.check_individuals.check_individuals` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.get_batches.get_batches` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.get_features.check_vep_annotation` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.get_features.get_annotation` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.get_priority.get_chromosome_priority` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.get_priority.get_rank_score` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.is_number.is_number` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.pair_generator.generate_pairs` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `.variant_printer.VariantPrinter` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/utils/ F523 `.format` call has unused arguments at position(s): 1
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `genmod.utils.EXONIC_SO_TERMS` imported but unused
Error: genmod/utils/ F401 `logging` imported but unused
Error: genmod/utils/ F841 Local variable `number_of_finished` is assigned to but never used
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_metadata.add_annotation_header` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_metadata.add_compounds_header` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_metadata.add_exonic_header` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_metadata.add_genetic_models_header` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_metadata.add_metadata` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_metadata.add_model_score_header` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_metadata.add_version_header` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_variant_information.add_vcf_info` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.add_variant_information.replace_vcf_info` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.check_info_header.check_info` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.genotype.Genotype` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.get_genotypes.get_genotypes` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.header_parser.HeaderParser` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.parse_variant.get_info_dict` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.parse_variant.get_variant_dict` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.parse_variant.get_variant_id` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.parse_variant.get_vep_dict` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.print_headers.print_headers` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.print_variants.print_variant` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.print_variants.print_variant_dict` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.print_variants.print_variant_for_sorting` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `.sort_variants.sort_variants` imported but unused; consider removing, adding to `__all__`, or using a redundant alias
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F811 Redefinition of unused `add_contig` from line 314
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `string` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `codecs` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `locale` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `sys` imported but unused
Error: genmod/vcf_tools/ F401 `click` imported but unused
Error: tests/ F401 `os` imported but unused
Error: tests/ F401 `tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile` imported but unused
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ F841 Local variable `family_id` is assigned to but never used
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/functionality/ E402 Module level import not at top of file
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not ...:` for false checks
Error: tests/genetic_models/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if ...:` for truth checks
Error: tests/score_variants/ F811 Redefinition of unused `test_single_category_two_plugin` from line 188
Error: tests/utils/ F401 `pytest` imported but unused
Error: tests/utils/ F401 `pytest` imported but unused
Error: tests/utils/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if is_number(obj):` for truth checks
Error: tests/utils/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if is_number(obj):` for truth checks
Error: tests/utils/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `False`; use `if not is_number(obj):` for false checks
Error: tests/utils/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if is_number(obj):` for truth checks
Error: tests/utils/ E712 Avoid equality comparisons to `True`; use `if is_number(obj):` for truth checks
Error: tests/utils/ F841 Local variable `batch` is assigned to but never used
Error: tests/variant_annotation/ E711 Comparison to `None` should be `cond is None`