
Cant interact with game, control deniedfw

KOJEMYATKO opened this issue · 4 comments

looks like I did smth wrong.
I get the message: "Cant interact with game, control denied" as i try to open a bot, game doesnt open and if i will open it myself it doesnt interact either, but messages like
"Session is loading
Loading is complete
Time selected was 45 seconds" will apear.
Opening "FarmBot" also doesnt help.
python with pip are installed correctly.
Please help:(

are you using fullscreen?

try this
This could be a fix, Im gonna leave here a "fix" that one twitter user told me, try it, if it works, just use it, if it not uncomment
this should never crash.

So just comment this with # like this
and comment with # the last line like this #self.checkTimer()

It doesnt seem to work:(
(I use windowed fullscreen)

Idk bro can you try screen scale 0?