
Remove expectations from curriculum

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Note: Feel free to suggest other titles for this PR, as it's probably pretty unclear as is.

It would probably be helpful for us to go through the curriculum and remove all instances of "You can probably guess what this is," "As you might expect," etc.--essentially, any phrase that implies the reader knows something, already. Then, we should rephrase those instances to focus on actions the reader should take.

For example, in, there's a line that reads

The first thing you notice are parentheses, probably.

That could be rephrased to

Notice the parentheses.

which shifts focus from what the reader knows to what the reader should do.

I like this idea. Another benefit is that sentences become shorter and clearer.

That's a very thoughtful suggestion. I think it's a great idea.

Updated as in the suggestion, .
If you find this sort of expectations, open another issue. I'm going to close this one.